Saturday, May 26, 2007
I waited as long as I could and then called Jen before 9 AM on a Saturday morning. My first question was "Are you up?" Then, "Are you at the computer?" She was just booting and I could hardly wait for her to get to my blog so she could see the picture of the rosebud star. She has a higher quality camera than I do and is very good at taking pictures so she abandoned her family and came out with camera and accessories and took more pictures of the rose and other plants growing over at Grandma's. Then we spent time talking about a number of things with my parents (her grandparents) and her mother (who lives there, too). It is so nice to have family close together. Even if we don't spend a lot of time together we always know someone is there.
Friday, May 25, 2007
Still in the Boot
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Christmas Spiders Galore

Legend of the Christmas Spider Poem
Mother cleaned and swept the house that wondrous Christmas Eve.
With broom and cloth she cleared the dust causing the spiders to flee.
Up in the attic they hid away as the family trimmed the Christmas tree.
Gold and silver there was none among those branches green.
This was just a humble home with simple baubles mean.
Paper and string and stick and cone were hung upon the Christmas tree.
But laughter and song were heard that night by the spiders in the eave.
They could hardly wait for the family to sleep so that they might creep
Back downstairs and feast their eyes on the beautiful Christmas tree.
At last the house was quiet, child and parent asleep.
The little spiders crept from the attic and gazed in awe deep
At the simple green pine from out the woods now a beautiful Christmas tree.
In joy and celebration they sped from branch to branch to see
Every toy and decoration placed on the tree that Eve.
The spiders nimbly climbed upon every branch of the Christmas tree.
When the Christ child came to visit the home that night He smiled to see
The tree so lovingly decorated and smiled again at the spiders wee
Whose webs now draped from crown to floor the beautiful Christmas tree.
He knew the mother had worked all day and would look so sadly
Upon tree and ornaments once so colorful now dimmed and hard to see.
He reached out His hand and in love and peace He touched the Christmas tree.
Every web and thread began to shimmer and then, wondrously,
They turned from gray to gold and silver, shining gloriously.
On every branch sparkling threads now graced the Christmas tree.
And that is why it is our custom to hang upon the tree
Tinsel and garland of silver and gold to glisten for all to see,
And oft times we hide a little spider upon our Christmas tree.
© 2007 Martha C. MacFadyen
Many of the beads used to make these spiders were "inherited" from my grandmother who was also a crafty person. I also find beads at yard sales and church rummage sales. I love recycling old things into new and giving them another incarnation.
I use a box pillow gift box pattern for the box and print Christmas trees on the outside and the poem on the inside with faint silvery spider webs in the background. The hardest part is cutting the box out and getting it to fold correctly.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
My loving niece is who got me into this blogging stuff. She showed a Christmas Spider I crafted on her blog and it really looked good. She also told me about another niece's blog and I have enjoyed reading both blogs so much I decided to try one of my own.
I am a crafter. Just about the only thing I have tried and not really enjoyed is knitting and cross-stitch. I can do them. I just don't go out of my way to do them. I love miniatures and anything I can do on my lap (while my husband watches tv and I periodically glance at the screen).
Right now I am planning and re-planning crafts for Galilee-by-the-Sea VBS that is scheduled for June. We are going to have so much fun (as always)! I have been drilling holes in sea shells for the necklaces (and maybe anklets and bracelets). Discovered that the best bit for use in my rotary tool for this purpose is a ceramic tile bit. Works beautifully and quickly. Still working on a carving "stone" for the kids that won't be too messy and still last a long time. Also planning a footprint craft with sand and clay and maybe a picture of each child. Love this idea and am determined to make it work materials, money and timewise. Have most of the materials for a treasure box for the kids to make. We usually only do 4 crafts but this year there may be some additional quickies as well.
I am usually on my feet the whole time each evening so this foot has to be better by June 18th and I really need it to be better soon so I can go to yard sales and the stores to pick up things for VBS.