Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
It finally happened. My DH used the new camera. I can't quite figure out what he did when he took this one of Dad and me - must have been walking or turning himself as he snapped it. But I thought it was interesting just for the multiple images of Dad.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Saturday Stroll
I took off the boot yesterday and walked outside around the house and down the alley and around Mom and Dad's yard then back across the field to home. Today the foot is tender but not too bad so maybe it really is improving slowly ... so slowly. Of course, the camera was attached to my hand the whole time I was out and my eyes were searching for views and angles. Here are a few of the shots I took.
Another shot of Dad's Japanese Maple.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Wednesday, August 15, 2007
By Request

Monday, August 13, 2007
Shooting for the Stars
Friday, August 10, 2007
Home again
I also got a shot of some mushrooms that I like. But I have failed to get closeups of the hummingbirds or the cardinals that please me yet.
Yesterday afternoon we had a storm around 4:30 and then the sun came out again. I went outside with the dogs and discovered dragonflies in my yard and then I saw them in the field across the alley. There were dozens of them! By the time I thought to go tell Mom and Dad and they got outside there was no sign of the dragonflies. I tried to take pictures when I first discovered them but they move so fast all I got were a lot of blurs. Then the second storm came. I really thought we were in for a bad time. The sky was black and the clouds were coming right down to the ground with tendrils and bulges. We got rain and lightning and thunder but nothing bad happened near us.
Jen posted about Paint.NET just this week. I have been working on figuring it out too. I love what it can do - I just can't do much of it yet. Thankfully there are tutorials and forums and such. I just have to understand what I read. I am reading a lot online about digital photography and editing digital photos. My poor head is too full, I think. Eventually there comes a moment when I say "Aha!" but it seems to be taking a while.
Joe "joked" the other day that if he wants to take any photos he is going to have to buy a camera just for him as this one seems to have become permanently attached to me.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
We had such fun this past weekend. Saturday Richard and Matthew came down to Mom and Dad's to continue painting the house. Later Nanny and Matt's wife Kim and the kids came down then Missy and her kids showed up later. A total of 13 of us were there on the porch or in the yard for much of the morning and early afternoon. The kids rediscovered Beth's purple cow bubble machine and had a great time with bubbles. I'm working on a slide show of that and will post a link to it soon.
Then in the evening Beth's son Greg and his wife and their two kids came in for a visit and we were in the house and on the porch again until late. Greg and Dana recently went to China as part of a choir and brought back fascinating pictures and stories about their trip.
Jen showed up later with the pictures we had entered in the Fair. She brought the ribbons and PRIZE MONEY we had won! Wow! $7 for me! I didn't even know there were cash awards when I entered. The thrill was in entering and being awarded the blue and red ribbons. We are already planning what pictures we will take and enter next year - we have a long time to plan this time.
Speaking of Dad's new camera - he dropped his old Olympus at Wal-Mart when he went there to have his pictures for the Fair printed. He was afraid he had lost the pictures on his memory card but managed to salvage them but could not get the camera to work. So Beth talked to me about my camera as Dad had indicated he liked what he had seen of it and she told Dad she would buy him a new camera. Joe picked it up this past weekend and now Dad has a Canon just like mine. He also managed to get the old Olympus working again but does not feel he can trust it not to go off again. (Joe thinks it was just a sneaky way to get a new camera. lol) Dad is in the learning curve now but once he gets the hang of all the new options he will be fine and I expect we will see a lot more pictures from him, too.
We are all praying for cousin Bill who had a stroke this weekend. 51 years old. He was working the church street fair in the heat and humidity when it started. Thankfully, the signs were recognized by his older brother who works for a doctor and they took him right to the hospital. A neurologist was there and Bill got quick attention. The latest report is that he is improving and there is reason for hope.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Fair Photos
I want to get there to see all the photos - there were so many when we were entering on Saturday but they were piled up on tables then. The unbiased (of course) opinion of family members is that our photos were the best of all those entered but I am certain there are others that are worth a glance or two. We saw some wonderful photos being entered by others when we were entering ours. One man behind us in line had a close-up shot of a hawk or eagle that was beautiful.
The foot has been troublesome. I have probably pushed too hard but after three months in the boot (and more than a month before that in pain) I want to walk again. Yesterday at work I was in some pain again. So today I will wear the boot to walk to and from work but try just my shoe at work. At least I can put the shoe on now. When I was in pain at the beginning I could hardly bear to have anything touch the side of my foot. So still some scritch ... thump ...