This is the view from my house across the field into Mom and Dad's yard. Mom's maple to the right of the picture is just starting to change. It will be a beautiful peachy-red color soon. The burning bush is at its peak and although it does not show in this shot the maple to the left is a soft yellow right now.

This is the hillside behind our houses. I was not in the right location for the best shot yesterday but this turned out well.
It was an interesting day yesterday. I called my doctor's office and told them I had been accidentally bitten by a cat and could not remember when my last tetanus shot was. They said I needed to come in so the doctor could look at the bite and to get the tetanus shot. So I left work at 9:30 and did not get back until 2 hours later. What I thought was a simple little thing really had my doctor concerned. I not only got the tetanus shot but an Rx for an antibiotic and have to go back and see him today. Part of his concern may have been that my finger really looked red and swollen yesterday because I first had to get the ring off the injured finger (soap and hand cream were necessary) and I once more had a reaction to the adhesive on the bandage I used to cover the small wound overnight. The redness is considerably less this morning and although the area is tender it is not hot or swollen. Still, I am glad to have the antibiotic to take as there is real danger from any cat bite.
He also started me on a blood pressure med again as my pressure was (very) high at the office. It always is. But at home I am always in the normal range. Still, this is a very mild med and I am only taking half a tablet a day AND he provided samples this time instead of having to buy an Rx that I may not have been able to continue. I took the first half-tablet yesterday and will take another this morning. He said the most likely side-effect to this med may be swollen ankles. Lovely.
MDH Joe is off work for at least the next two weeks with a bad sprain in his left foot. He is now wearing his own Boot. He has gained an appreciation of what I went thru for months. The doctor says it could be longer for him but wants him to take these two weeks and stay off the foot as much as possible. He had to go to the office yesterday with the paperwork for leave and says his boss and coworkers all laughed at him.
When he got back home he discovered Momma cat draped in cobwebs. He said she had them over her head and down her back. She seemed appreciative when he cleaned them off of her. We decided she was probably looking for her missing kitten. So sad. But Momma cat and the other two are doing fine at this point. They had tuna this morning and all three ate well. I have watched the two kittens walk and run and they seem fine. Worrying but hopeful.
It is raining gently at 6 am here. Both kittens are in their shelter and Momma cat is lazing on the porch when the dogs are inside and watching them from the banister or under the porch when they have been outside.