As I am sure nearly everyone already knew, Smoke and Momma cat are already home. My DH rather casually said to me last night "I guess you'll have to think of a name for Momma cat, too." So this morning while I was petting and scratching her I called her Bibs because of her white chest. Anyone have any other suggestions?
DH goes back to the doctor today for an update on his foot. We expect he will be off work at least another two weeks. Dad goes to his foot doctor tomorrow about his heel spur. Sister Beth is doing so much better after her knee replacement surgery. She is walking with a cane instead of the walker now. Jen continues to suffer from migraine. How she functions as the mother of 4 (2 teenagers and 2 under 10's) is a mystery to me. Dana has been ill with strep throat. My back continues to ache and spasm at times so that I am afraid the fibro is returning.
But the weather is beautiful if chilly in the mornings and tonight all the little ghoulies and ghosties will be Trick or Treating. We have too many steps up to the front of the house for costumed children to navigate so I usually go over to Mom and Dad's for the fun as the kids have no problem with their paved driveway. I plan on keeping Smoke inside or with me and considering how cautious Momma cat ... Bibs ... is, I think she will make herself scarce.
Hi Martha - I love that "scary" photo of Smoke. We didn't have very many trick-or-treaters this year. Actually, the number of kids dwindles each year. When the first kids came a-knockin' this evening, all four of our cats took off for the bedroom. Mmmm! 'fraidy cats!
G'Day Martha,
Is smoke complaining or laughing? I reckon he is laughing, he and his Mum have found a kind and caring owner. I was sort o thinking they would. Lol.
Goodness me what have you and yours been doing over there, there is an old saying here, "Did you kill a chinaman?" It means you are having a run of bad luck as killing a chinaman is supposed to be bad luck. Tongue in cheek. I guess the cooler weather is bringing out all sorts of ills and aches and pains.Migranes are especially cruel, my husband and elder son both get debilitating ones.
Look after yourself . My birthday is in November too. On the 21st. Mum's is on 16th and my favourite cousin's is on the 2nd, good month. Happy birthday in advance.
Love Linda.
G'Day Martha,
It's me again. I've just been wasting time sitting here watching your slide shows.I hadn't looked at them before. I really loved the mud party. Especially the little guy working the clay puddle with his feet. I would have loved being in there myself when I was a kid. Right up my alley, it looked like great fun.
I showed my hubby,Pete, who now wants to make one for his website for the poker run he is involved in each year to raise money for his charity - Canassist who help pay cancer treatment bills for suffers.
Love that photo!
Sorry to hear about Uncle Joe...yuck.
Thanks for thinking of me, I'm all better!
Love and miss you,
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