These are used or "free" cd's (AOL, etc) that I have been using in various ways over the years but this is the best use yet. I was smart enough to take pictures during the assembly so I can remember how I did it for next year. It takes 25 cd's and a C7 string of 25 lights and lots of hot glue.
The star is already hanging from his front porch although he still has to install a new outdoor electric outlet to plug porch lights into after installing a new porch light this year that does not have an outlet in it.
So, family members, save me your used and "free" cd's and you may get a star, too.
Merry Christmas, everyone!
What a unique idea! A great way to use those old cd's. Merry Christmas.
G'Day Martha,
The cd star looks great, you are so clever. Martha come back I miss reading about you here.
Love linda.
That's beautiful, and a great way to recycle those old cd's. I remember my mother making ball-shaped lights out of medicine cups from the hospital, remember those? I still have one of them. I really like this star, it's so cute. :)
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