Wow. The Fair photo contest results are in and the whole family did well. We submitted a total of 35 pictures among 11 family members and came away with three Best of Show (two Reds and a Purple) in their categories and numerous other ribbons as well.
Jen and her youngest boy got two of the Best of Show (both had a Blue with a Red Best of Show) and Dad had a Blue with Purple Best of Show for a picture of Mom and Uncle Sonny in the portraits category.
In total we had 17 Blue, 12 Red, and 6 White. Now keep in mind that every entry gets something, but we still "done good."
Now we start working on next year's photos.
I have been letting the kittens have almost free range of the living room in the evenings and it has resulted in some hilarious moments. We have a tower fan in the living room that they have decided is a climbing/scratching post (I intend to purchase a real one tonight) and Shamus and Tigger have both made it to the top of the fan before DH or I realized they were climbing. The descent is a little tricky and Shamus has landed in the waterdish and then walked around shaking paws to rid them of the wet.

All four go each in a separate direction to distract the two of us so kittens are always somewhere they should not be - over the fence, behind the recliner, on top of something, under the recliner, inside the bookcase, etc. After a half hour or so DH and I are exhausted but smiling as we corral the four marauders and put them back in the crate.

Momma and Smoke are delighted to have them out of and back in the crate, too. Smoke either guards the front door area and makes certain the kits do not play with his yellow jingle balls or sits in the hall to the bedroom and watches the kittens scale the fence and the fan and our legs, etc. Sassy, my dog, spent most of last evening behind me in my recliner as the kits cavorted. She watched them very carefully but did not want to be on the floor with them.

I think I am trying to ignore/forget about this next item. My husband's doctor sent him to a urologist to have his prostate tested recently. When we went for the ultrasound the urologist did 6 biopsies as well. Two of the six came back positive. We go to an oncologist this coming Tuesday to find out the next step. The urologist is very optimistic. He said there is "nil" chance of this being fatal as it was found early. It has been hard for me to talk about this with anyone yet. We are still a little in shock. He is also angry, depressed, and blaming himself as he feels he must have done something to cause this. We need your prayers.

We will keep you in our prayers!!! God Bless you guys!!!!
Loved your kitty photos as usual, Martha. I'll be keeping you and your husband in my prayers.
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