are in my parent's yard. When I go out early to take pictures of dew and mist and raindrops, these delightful blooms by my parent's basement are all closed up tightly. While they still take a good picture, this is the way I love to photograph them. I really like the juxaposition of the peeling paint on the porch post and the vibrancy of the flower.
Sister Beth and I went to a few yard sales this past weekend. There were not many listed in the paper this time but we still found a few good ones. The first one we stopped at was just a few doors from a bakery. Oh, did the donuts smell delicious! But we resisted and went on our way after exploring the sale. We both came home with some nice clothing from one sale. The lady had lost weight and was selling her previous wardrobe in several sizes. Fantastic prices for good quality clothing. Most of the rest I bought will be for VBS next year.
I did NOT buy a single picture frame this past weekend. But I did work with my photgraphs and the frames I already have and have now hung a number of photographs on my bedroom walls. I have collages of Queen Ann's Lace in one multiple frame and of dew-spangled spiderwebs in another. Funny, I don't like spiders at all but I love the pictures of the webs.
The kittens are 14 weeks old now and are starting to walk like cats instead of kittens. There is a swagger to their stride now whereas before they bounced and teetered along. DH has taken on some of the feeding duties to help the kits bond more closely with him. It seems to be helping especially with Tig-Tig who will settle down on the footrest of DH's recliner.
G'day my friend.I just love the flower picture and the way putting them on the computer screen really shows up their brilliance and fine details.
Martha I tag you for a quirky quiz that I was given. Mine are on this Fridays post if you want to have a look.
G'day Martha,
I love the clarity and fine detail you get in these flower pictures.I put a comment in here for you the other day but I must have done something wrong 'cos it is not here. Anyway, I tagged you for a quirky quiz that I was given. If you would like to participate please find the details on my blog.
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