Friday, August 20, 2010

Roof Racer

Roof Racer

Gallump, gallump, gallump, gallump!
No little cat's paws tiptoe on my roof
As the midnight roof racer chases his invisible shadow
From porch roof to house peak and over the ridge.

Gallump, gallump, gallump, gallump!
Black on black with golden eyes he watches me
As I, foolish human that I am, try to tempt him
Back to ground level as he sits aloof on the steep incline.

Gallump, gallump, gallump, gallump!
"Watch me, watch me, Lady! I am up soooo high!"
He swats a twig down the slope and gallops
From peak to flat porch roof to meow pitifully.

Gallump, gallump, gallump, gallump!
Back to the peak and chase the cardinal,
Back to the porch roof to tease the Lady.
Braveheart has no fear except not being watched.

Gallump, gallump, gallump, gallump!
Daylight and the pathway down is revealed.
Over the arbor and through the evergreen
Down to the ground and look up asking plaintively "Feed me now?"

M.C. MacFadyen


Dana said...

LOL! Love this Aunt MArtha! Clever you...
How are you doing? We've been thinking of you.

Jen said...

Oh, my! So brave! Lol!

Such a great story, too!

Linda May said...

I love this Martha. I can just picture him playing cat and mouse with you on the roof and laughing at you.