I have a book that gives materials and directions for making simple trumpets. Of course I adapted it for what we had available. The directions said to use funnels for the bell of the trumpet. We couldn't find a local supply cheaply enough and sister Beth came up with the most wonderful idea. We used the tops of water bottles that we saved ourselves or snatched from the kids when they finished with a bottle at VBS. We had a garden hose available (I spent the morning cutting it into 10" sections) and with just the hose, the bottle tops (thanks to the parents for helping cut those), duct tape, and aluminium foil we made trumpets.

I told the kids these were special trumpets. They only work thru the power of the mind. You can blow and blow and not make a sound or lo and behold you can make the most glorious noise!
They seranaded the kitchen staff with their trumpets and it should have been heard in Heaven.
We have enough left over supplies to do it again but the adults all voted for not this year.
The sky was beautiful again on the way home and I got a few pics of that too.
Tonight we start on the Clothespin Crosses. With the wide age range we have I am not certain how this one will go but I am determined that each child will take home a nice cross.
Looks like the kids are having fun!
Martha, I like your creativity for making a trumpet. The Tower of Babel was also quite creative. It does look like the kids were enjoying themselves.
Don't we live in a beautiful world!
Monarch - Many of these kids are just left on their own with no guidance and they have so much fun having something inventive to do. I love watching their minds work.
Mary - we are a small church with a very small VBS budget. We have donations and fund raisers but we like to use the money on good snacks for the kids so I usually donate most of the crafts materials myself. And I love to recycle.
Linda - I am amazed every day by the wonder of the world. Just watching a child discover something new is a blessing.
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