(You can skip this paragraph if you want, it is all about the journey to the church and I just want to remember it.) DH, sister Beth, and I packed both my car and Dad's Tahoe in various intensities of rain around 11:30 am. Then I went directly to church and Beth took Mom to the hospital to find out what would be happening with Dad. All the way (3 miles or so) from home to church I am seeing patches of blue instead of solid grey (and singing "Blue skies, smiling at me, nothing but blue skies do I see" as a prayer). I passed in front of the local volunteer fire department just as the siren went off indicating an emergency. Never saw the trucks leave the building though. Parked on the sidewalk in front of church and in light sprinkles Darla and I unloaded my car along with the preacher April. We finished just as Beth arrived in the Tahoe and I moved my vehicle so she could have the favored position and we unpacked the Tahoe. The reason I mention all this is the steps/stairs. All of my supplies were in my basement. So DH and I were up and down my basement stairs carrying decorations and supplies out the back door and out to my car which had been parked near the gate in the lot between Mom & Dad's and our house. What didn't fit in the car was carried the rest of the way across the field to the Tahoe. At church it is only 3 steps up into the building but a flight of stairs down into the fellowship hall. Then I spent the rest of the day walking on a hard concrete floor.
Darla, April and I spent the next 6 hours setting up for VBS. Darla painted some wonderful panels this year. 

We also hung some of the panels from last year to complete the Marketplace and set up little tableaus in places as well. I took my potted herbs up so the kids can experience where those flavors they don't yet know they really like come from and let the kids pluck leaves to taste during the VBS.

I didn't do a "window" this year but everyone commented they really like how my display looks. Many of the items on the shelf are yard sale finds including the gourd dipper on the top left, the bottles, cups and pitchers in various locations, the seashell lamp near the center, the cutting board on the right hand side of the table, etc. You can just catch a glimpse on the far right of the clothespin cross the kids will do later this week.
We were ready at 5:45 when the kids started arriving and kept going thru 8 pm. Eighteen kids and parents/grandparents the first night. Wonderful. The only time I sat down was when we had snack time.
The minister, April, led the singing with the kids.

When we left the church around 8:30 the clouds to the south were amazing. The photo does not do justice to the enormous white mounds that were lit by the setting sun.

Then I went over to Mom & Dad's to check on them as Dad got home from the hospital yesterday. Beth wasn't able to do VBS yesterday as she had to provide transportation for them and stayed home to be sure someone was there if Dad needed help on his first day home. I showed them all the pictures and talked about who all was there and discovered that we had had dime-sized hail in Moundsville during some of the storms that passed thru during the afternoon when I was safely within the church basement and barely aware of the thunder (although the lights did flicker once). After that it was home, shower (oh, how welcome that was) and then sitting in my chair in the living room with DH watching Transformers again and barely staying awake. It was a very good tired, though.
Day 2 tonight and they get to make trumpets.
1 comment:
Busy Busy you are eh. Tired from busy feels good.
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